HMRC’s interest in crypto investors – City AM

4 Aug 2023

Danielle Ford, Partner and Head of Tax Disputes & Resolutions, and Riocard Hoye, Senior Manager, have featured in City AM, discussing HMRC’s interest in crypto investments.

Many are unaware that crypto investments carry tax implications and can therefore be caught unawares by a ‘nudge letter’ from HMRC. The letter is sent to those taxpayers who HMRC believes need to review their tax affairs and respond accordingly. HMRC is able to send these letters based on information it holds, such as information on UK users from crypto exchanges.

Important things to note in regards to crypto investments and tax include:

  • Since crypto assets are considered to be investments, any proceeds from a disposal may be subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT).
  • A disposal for tax purposes also includes the purchase of one crypto asset using another crypto asset. For example buying Ethereum using Bitcoin results in a disposal of Bitcoin.
  • Individuals have a CGT Annual Exempt Amount (AEA) in each tax year, currently £6,000. If an individual’s AEA is exceeded when aggregating capital disposals in a tax year, CGT will apply and penalties and interest charges could arise if this has not been dealt with properly.
  • Nudge letters should not be ignored – seek professional advice straightaway to determine your next steps.

You can read Danielle and Riocard’s article in full on City AM.

Have you received a letter from HMRC?

It is recommended that taxpayers seek professional advice immediately after receiving a nudge letter or a statutory enquiry from HMRC, or discovering a mistake in their filings. If you have any kind of dispute with HMRC, then please contact Danielle Ford or Riocard Hoye.