PIMBs Briefing – Summer 2023

30 Jun 2023

Welcome to the Summer 2023 edition of our briefing for Professional Institutes and Membership Bodies (PIMBs).

Firstly, with the continuing challenging outlook for membership organisations, Tom Wilson, Partner, and I take a deeper look at considerations that could be made to best guide organisations during these turbulent and uncertain times. From investing in your staff to considering the use of property, we share suggestions on what more your membership body could do to protect its future.

Our first guest author, Max King, Head of Epoch Consulting, shares his thoughts on considering counterparty risk and how the last few years have impacted the banking industry. With professional institutes and membership bodies holding significant reserves, Max provides a helpful outlook for organisations and shares useful suggestions as to how counterparty risk should be considered.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) remains a highly topical subject for membership organisations.  Vikram Sandhu, Director, reviews what opportunities this will present for the sector, what it means for their organisation and advises on some of the best ways to report on ESG in a meaningful way.

As the Charity Commission provides an updated guide on internal financial controls, Richard Weaver, Partner, gives his recommendations on how membership bodies can best respond to the updates. Richard highlights various ways to identify potential risk areas where there may not be adequate processes in place.

Finally, our second guest author, Dr Jake Lovelock, Performance and Wellbeing Psychologist at Cognacity, takes an explorative look into ways to manage staff wellbeing using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. By highlighting common themes from stress to over exertion, Dr Jake goes on to share a number of useful tips to increase performance, stimulate the brain and manage pressure, to ensure the wellbeing of staff is at the forefront of your organisation’s agenda.

My thanks to those who contributed articles and insights to this publication. I hope you enjoy this edition and find these articles of interest. Do feel free to let the authors, me or your regular contact know if you have any questions concerning the matters discussed.

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