NEDNet: Challenging Times – Business Viability and Going Concern, Insights for NEDs

  •  January 29, 2025
     6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Amidst a backdrop of continuing economic volatility and geopolitical uncertainty, business viability is a critical area of risk that requires Non-Executive Director oversight and input. Following several well-publicised corporate failures, how companies manage and report on their going concern assessment and associated risks are therefore under unprecedented levels of scrutiny by investors and regulators.

Join HaysMac for the next instalment in NEDNet’s events calendar on Wednesday 29 January, where Christopher Cork, Co-Head of Capital Markets, will lead a focussed session on the key questions, lessons and challenges related to business viability and going concern.

Please note, by registering, you are agreeing for your data to be shared with NEDNet Partners (HaysMac, Hill Dickenson, MSP Organisation and Gracechurch Group) for the purpose of this event.

Free Ticket


Venue Phone: 020 7969 5500

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HaysMac, 10 Queen St Place, London, EC4R 1AG